Sunday, July 8, 2012

Escape The Gym ...Sometimes!!

Sometimes, YES, it is ok to escape the gym and practice different types of exercises, at home, in the backyard, walking around, climbing, hiking, swimming, playing tennis, volleyball, soccer and anything you want to do. I personally love swimming, riding my road bike and hiking.
So, BOOST ENDURANCE AND BURN FAT WITH SOME SOLAR-POWERED PLANS - our cardio routine is like a razor, after a few weeks of constant use, it becomes increasingly dull and ineffective. That is when we need new challenges. 1. Go to the beach and walk in the sand near the water, but not where it will wash away. This works great because all you force dissipates into the sand, requiring you to work harder to cover the same distance. 2. Go to the Pool: In a 25-yard pool, swim two laps that is four-lengths, or 100 yards using a freestyle stroke. Rest 20 seconds. Next, do two laps using a backstroke. Rest 20 seconds. That is one round. Do four more rounds, for a total of five rounds and 1,000 yards. Swimming provides all the heart-healthy benefits of running without the joint-jarring impact. 3. Go to your backyard: Do some good exercises that you enjoy alone, such as, chest push-ups, double burpee, lunges, sqauts, steps, abdominals, strecth and of course some yoga.

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