Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Get a Brighter, Better Smile Naturally

The Whiter-Teeth Diet Want a better smile? Start in the kitchen. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like celery, carrots, and apples are natural teeth whiteners. They trigger your mouth to make saliva, which washes away food particles so they can't stain teeth. Strawberries have an enzyme that acts like natural bleach. Broccoli has minerals that form a film on teeth so pigments from other foods won’t stain them. Watch Your Drinks Anything that stains a white shirt -- like coffee, tea, or cola -- can also stain your teeth. If you drink gallons of the stuff every day, try to cut back. And, rinse your mouth with water when you're finished drinking. Do you like wine? Red wine can stain your teeth, but white wine can wear away enamel, causing long-term damage. Between every sip or two, swish water in your mouth for a few seconds. Brush, Floss, and Rinse Follow the basics of good dental hygiene for a dazzling smile. Brush your teeth twice a day -- better yet, after every meal. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or earlier if the bristles start to fray. Floss at least once a day. Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to fight plaque and to keep your breath fresh. See your dentist for a professional cleaning regularly. At-Home Whitening If you want to brighten your teeth at home, you have plenty of choices. Whitening toothpastes have mild abrasives that remove surface stains with gentle brushing. Drugstore whitening gels, pens, rinses, strips, swabs, and trays work by bleaching teeth with a mild peroxide. Used consistently, these can make your teeth a few shades whiter. Start with a professional cleaning to boost results. Do-It-Yourself Whitening Recipe You can whip up some whitener with this do-it-yourself recipe. Mix one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda. Add just enough water to make a paste. Use this instead of your toothpaste once or twice a week. It won’t get rid of dark stains or work like a dental whitening experience, but it may add a little gleam to teeth that are losing their luster. Whitening at the Dentist Office See a dentist for the quickest ways to remove stains and whiten teeth. In the office, a dentist paints your teeth with a peroxide gel, then activates the solution with a light or laser. Or your dentist can give you a custom-fitted mouthguard to use at home. Be sure to follow the dentist's instructions for using a safe and effective gel and for the appropriate length of time.

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