Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to Achieve More by Keeping Your Goals in Mind

At the beginning of every year, I write down what I want to be remembered for… what I want people to think about me…what I want to achieve in my life. This writing is my long-term vision.

Along with this, I write my goals for the year. These goals are the large steps I will take to achieve my vision.

And then each day, I write my daily to dos, the required small steps to reach my goals and achieve my vision.
When you have alignment between a big picture vision, more specific goals and very specific to dos, you simplify your life.

It becomes easier and easier to make decisions because you begin to make more focused choices that ultimately lead you toward your vision and goals. The more you keep your initiatives and long-term objectives in mind, the easier it is to know when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’.

Ask yourself what you’d want to hear your children say about you when they would be in their 60s and write it down.
Then, write down what goals specifically would have to be reached for that to happen.

Next, write down what you need to begin to do daily to reach your goals and achieve your vision.

And finally, begin and take the required small steps each and every day. Say ‘yes’ to what will get you there and just do it and form the habit and make a point of saying ‘no’ to what won’t.

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