Friday, March 7, 2014

How To Eradicate Your Subconscious Emotional Blocks To Success And Become Unstoppable

The questions are:

Do you know many people believe that the familiar is comfortable? 

Do you know that this belief is based on a deep fear of change? 

Do you know this fear limits, constricts and robs your life away from you? 

Do you know that it is possible to completely eradicate/erase/delete this fear thereby releasing and empowering you to be the master of your mind, body and life? 

Do you know that doing so will leave you feeling confident, capable, strong, resilient, creative, courageous, spontaneous, optimistic and loving the experience of being fully alive? How does one achieve this you ask?

If you have ever seen those TV commercials where a car barrels through a large painted poster representing a rock wall you will begin to appreciate that the fear of change is exactly the same as that illusory barrier. It intimidates you at the level of your inner or subconscious mind by hypnotically seducing you with a constricting representation of what you think is reality.

It makes you "think" reality is unpredictable, uncertain, dangerous, uncomfortable, effortful, and not worth pursuing. This however blocks what is the very flow of Life Force Energy through your life. In other words it brings your life, and life itself, to a screeching halt. This is equivalent to dying!

If you suffer from such a fear and you stop and reflect on how your so called "life" feels to you you'll notice that it feels stuck, blocked, frustrating, unfulfilling, unsatisfying, lacking creativity and spontaneity, lacks energy, enthusiasm and passion and hence lacks Life Energy itself. Well, the experience being described here is that of death itself.

Finally, there is a way to go beyond this fear of change once and for all so that you can be completely free of it and more connected to life itself. There is a coaching process developed over 10 years ago that erases negative beliefs, memories and feelings that does just this. To learn more about it kindly visit the web site below where you can also get a free e-copy of my book and request a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation.

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