Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spiritual Growth - Finding the Good

There is a spiritual movement happening; I see it in the media, in social media, in my personal interactions – people are seeking more, they want more peace and success in their lives, which is very normal and very human.

I know some of this shift is happening at a local level because of the people, places and things I am choosing to spend my time with but I also feel that there is a shift, a global vibration of Love, that is ever-present and getting more and more attention. What you focus on grows.

The more I choose to feed my spirit with good the more I reflect the joy and peace that comes from this practice. It manifests in many ways; more patience on the road, a smile in the checkout line, a thank you to those who make my daily tea and an excitement about the day ahead.

These are the simple things. When I cultivate this behavior in myself and start looking for it out in the world…I find it. I may have to look for it at first, but eventually it finds me. Allowing it to find me can sometimes take time.

Ultimately, I have arrived at a place in my spiritual journey where I can look for the good in the seemingly bad. I have grown in my relationship with God and know that God is Love and God is in every one of us, therefore we are all Love.

Some are extending love and others are calling to be loved. Sometimes this call for love manifests in what we label as bad behavior or terrible circumstances. When I am present to my life I can see the good in everything, and if I cannot see the good I trust that something good will come. I have never been wrong about this, because I choose to believe it’s true.

Finally, choose to see the good and peace will be with you. Don’t expect to do it perfectly, no one can. Choose each day, each hour, each moment to renew your commitment to peace and you will not only have it, you will exude it! 

What a beautiful way to live!

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