Sunday, May 18, 2014

Important Bodybuilding Characteristics
What are some important characteristics a bodybuilder should have?

-> An Open Mind:
    As I touched briefly on. It's so important to try new things! When most get into bodybuilding, we go off of the old 3 sets of 10 idea. 

    Not that this is a bad program, but it's important for our bodies to experience new methods of training for greater results.

    Many people are not willing to try the new exercise that looks awkward or makes them use less weight than normal. Nobody likes lowering weight and doing something that feels awkward, but these can be the greatest exercises for our bodies!

    In order to achieve success in bodybuilding, and possess a body that others want, you must think outside the box, and be willing to open up to new possibilities.
-> Have Open Ears:
    Sometimes bodybuilders don't like to be critiqued or be told they are doing something wrong. I know I most certainly am guilty of not being great at taking constructive criticism. Sometimes it pays off though to stop and listen.

      I've been told many times that I am doing something wrong, most of the time their advice was less than helpful, but time from time, people who are older than you can really help you out. Many young bodybuilders are definitely bad at taking constructive criticism when it comes to anything, much less working out.

      We must be willing to take constructive criticism, as sometimes other's advice can be helpful, and even help you increase weight!

    -> Maintain A Strict Diet:
      Unfortunately, most fitness enthusiasts who are not serious, usually lack this the most. Most of your growth aside from relaxation and sleep, comes from what you put in your body. It is imperative that your body is taking in enough calories for growth, period.

        Secondly, you need to take a look at those calories, and see where you are getting most of them from. It's vital that you are taking in at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The longer you workout, and the more advanced you get, you will want to even look at taking in 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

      Enter your body weight (in pounds or kilograms) and press "Calculate".

      Body Weight:

      Your Daily Protein Needs Are:
      between 1.0 g/lb = grams
      and 1.5 g/lb = grams
      0.8 g/lb (RDA) = grams
        This correlates with something called a positive nitrogen balance. Simply put, a positive nitrogen balance is when your body is taking in more protein than necessary. As long as you are staying within your caloric needs, taking in more protein than necessary should not pose a problem at all.

        Remember though, to be taking in enough water, as a high protein diet can cause dehydration rather quickly. The norm for the average bodybuilder is usually between one and three gallons of water per day. Water is possibly the most important nutrient to keep us functioning at our best!


      Body Weight: lbs.
      Daily Water Intake: fl. oz.

      Good Fats
        Peanut butter
        Along with protein, many forget about taking in good carbohydrates and good fats. They can be recognized in a few simple ways. We want mostly unsaturated fats, a few great sources are fish such as salmon, oils such as olive oil, and foods such as natural peanut butter.
        All of these sources give us the essential fatty acids that we need to keep our hormone levels healthy and our joints swinging without pain!

        The good, the bad, and the ugly! Within the past decade, carbohydrates have gotten a really bad reputation, which is depressing. Carbohydrates are necessary for energy and muscle gains! When it comes to carbohydrates, it's all about timing. Even simple carbohydrates can be fit into anyone's diet.

        The best time to take in fast absorbing carbohydrates such as dextrose, is directly after a workout. These carbohydrates will be utilized and stored as glycogen in the liver, and also distributed to your muscles. Glycogen is your muscle's best form of energy for completing exercise.
      Muscle cell glycogen appears to function as an immediate reserve energy source of available glucose for muscle cells. Other cells that contain small amounts use it locally as well.
        For other times of the day, morning is the best time to consume most of your carbohydrates, as your body needs this unit of energy to perform it's daily tasks, especially for bodybuilders. Many like to taper their carbohydrates as the day progresses as well and increase their fat and protein intake.

    -> Proper Supplementation:
      This is a gray area with many starting bodybuilders. There are so many preconceived notions on the so called "dangers" of supplements-this keeps starting bodybuilders away from them. 

      Although food is the first thing that must be straightened out and put into priority, there is no doubt that supplementation will boost gains and speed recovery.

      Whey Protein
        The first, and most important of all supplements is whey protein. Whey protein is absorbed and utilized in the body at a rapid rate. 

        This makes the product an important one as soon as you get done lifting. When you get done lifting, your body is in a state that makes it optimum for using protein and other nutrients.

        When you take whey protein, it is rapidly absorbed and floods the muscles with protein and nutrients! These attributes place whey protein at number one. My recommendation for choosing a whey protein product would have to be Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey Protein. It's great tasting, and fast absorbing!

        Secondly, there is no dispute that creatine, in any form, whether it be ethyl ester or monohydrate, is extremely effective for gaining weight, muscle, and strength. There is much talk about the safety of creatine, but as the studies go on, there is no proof that creatine is bad for the body.

        I actually recommend a creatine transport product. This is a product that not only has creatine in it, but dextrose as well, which I touched on earlier for replenishing depleted glycogen levels. I recommend Optimum Nutrition's Pre-Load Creatine for great dextrose servings, 6 grams of creatine per serving, and additional electrolytes for recovery!

      Branched Chain Amino Acids
        Third, would be branched chain amino acids. These are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and speed recovery greatly. BCAAs are metabolized quickly into the body and are sent directly to the muscle tissue. After trying a BCAA product, you will experience great gains and sped up recovery.

        I recommend a fairly simple product such as Optimum Nutrition's BCAA 5000 or another extremely popular product: SciVation Xtend, which contains glutamine for boosted recovery.

      Nitric Oxide Product
        Lastly, for a boosted workout, I suggest a nitric oxide product. Nitric Oxide is a free-form gas that is produced in the body and is used by the body to communicate with other cells in the body.

        In layman's terms, NO2 is what gives you that "pump" that you are always trying to achieve in the gym. This is a supplement that I would encourage people to try after they have been lifting for working out for more than a few months. It's a semi-advanced supplement. It is completely natural and safe, but can be a bit pricey. I have tried a few products concerning nitric oxide. My top three picks are:
          1. BSN NO-Xplode
          2. PrimaForce NitroCharge
          3. MHP Trac

      These are my personal favorite supplements. There are a lot of supplements out there, and a lot that are nothing more than sugar pills. It is important that you do your research and not waste your money. It's also important to pay attention to the ingredients in supplements. 

      You have to watch for sugars, caffeine levels, and any other fillers. Take your time when choosing a new supplement, as the time you spend doing so will pay off.

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