Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Day 2014: Hero, Villain or Maybe Both

PHOTO:Replicas of the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta floating in the ocean off coast during tour to celebrate 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus voyage to the New World, May 6, 1992.
Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
"In fourteen hundred ninety-two/ Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
"He had three ships and left fromSpain/ He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain."
-- Source Unknown
Sailor-explorer Christopher Columbus didn't exactly "discover" America, but the Italian explorer raised and solidified European awareness of the Americas after arriving Oct. 12, 1492, in what would become known as the Bahamas. Columbus Day became a federal holiday in the United States in 1937.
Centuries after Columbus traveled to the Americas, his legacy remains complicated. And that's where the Columbus Day debate continues, including periodic calls to dump the holiday, or modify it to something like "Exploration Day."

Native-American or Indigenous People’s Day
The United States is hardly alone in celebrating Columbus Day, but even here it's not unanimous.
South Dakota, for instance, clearly falls on the other side of the debate, after 25 years ago changing the second Monday in October from Columbus Day to Native American Day in honor of the indigenous people who suffered near-annihilation after Columbus opened doors to the New World.
Minneapolis had the same thing in mind in April when it voted to rename the holiday Indigenous People’s Day, as did Seattle two weeks ago. “Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington,” Quinault Nation president Fawn Sharp told the city council, according to Reuters.
Italian Heritage
Many Italian-Americans defend Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage and the generations of Italians who've contributed mightily to U.S. prominence through their work and philanthropy. Of that there's no doubt, although critics, including some Italian-Americans themselves, have pointed out that the Oct. 12, 1492, arrival itself is no representation of the Italian experience. Supporters claim him as a source of pride, however, not unlike other cultures that honor their sons and daughters as pioneers.
Columbus is an obvious target of scorn and resentment for Native Americans whose fortunes declined precipitously in the aftermath of his journey to the New World. He and his men also brutalized people of the West Indies and enslaved others. Columbus supporters don't deny the mixed legacy, but some of them point out that the national holiday is rooted in the notion that it should serve as an opportunity to bring Italian-Americans, Native-Americans and others together.
Columbus, USA
There are 30-plus U.S. cities and townships named Columbus, and apparently little push to rename any of them, suggesting that the debate has long been settled for some people with the closest association to the explorer.

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