Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How Bodybuilding Can Help You Develop New Skills

You have to change with the times and building skills takes time and practice. Here are steps you should take to develop a new skill. Find out what they are.

Regardless of what industry you work in, you have to change with the times. As an example, in just two decades the Internet was created and exploded to the point where business has changed forever.

We purchase goods, communicate with others, take online classes, and review information on the Internet. And companies now use social media and the Internet to reach their intended consumers.

Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Companies now use social media and the
Internet to reach their intended consumers.
How Do You Develop A New Skill? 
Building skills takes time and practice. Here are the steps you should take to develop a new skill:

  1. Identify what skills you need to build and why you need them. Knowing why will keep you on track.
  2. Figure out the best way to learn a new skill. Should you take a class? Find a mentor? Go about this part haphazardly (or cheaply) and you may end up frustrated and wasting time.
  3. Allocate time on your calendar for your new hobby (time to learn and practice).
  4. Set a goal. Without a clear, identifiable goal, and even sub-goals when necessary, how will you know when you have mastered your new skill?
  5. Align with other people who are masters at this skill. If you are trying to learn Chinese, go out there and find people to socialize with who speak Chinese.
  6. Apply this skill to your life. Visit China or volunteer as an interpreter at a hospital for patients who speak Chinese.
Figure Out The Best Way To Learn A New Skill.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Figure out the best way to learn a new skill.
How Bodybuilding Can Help You Develop New Skills 
  • Bodybuilders Work On These Steps Everyday: As a bodybuilder, you work on these steps daily. You are continuously seeking new workout techniques to build your body, aligning yourself with others who have the same goals and practicing your skills. Now you just need to apply those same learning techniques to a new skill.
  • Bodybuilders Are Energetic: Life is busy. If you want to take on a new skill, go back to school or learn a new trade, you may need to burn the candle at both ends. And, you'll need a hefty dose of energy to do that.
  • Bodybuilders Are Organized And Structured: In order to get stuff done, quickly and efficiently, you better be organized. As a bodybuilder, you have this skill mastered. Your days are organized and scheduled so you have time to hit the gym, prepare all of your meals and figure out ways to stay on track when traveling.
  • Bodybuilders Are Goal-Oriented: Bodybuilders are different than people who just workout. People who just workout do not have a training program, goals or clear vision on what they hope to gain. Bodybuilders have a goal and a plan to get there. As a bodybuilder, there's a reason why your workouts change every few months and why you put more emphasis on certain, less developed, body parts.
  • Bodybuilders Are Creative: Sometimes you need to get a little creative with your time or learning. This may mean you take free classes to see if you like something before diving in, or maybe you enroll at a community college to get a few core classes out of the way before going back to school. As a bodybuilder, you'll find a way to develop your new skill and yourself in the process.
Do You Consider Yourself More Skillful Since Beginning Bodybuilding?
 Yes - Definitely
 I'm About The Same
 No - I've Actually Lost Skills 

Additional Tips To Help You Develop New Skills: 
  • Ask your boss. If you want to move up the career ladder, you need to take some initiative. Ask your boss if your work place has free classes or if they will pay for you to take classes or attend a conference to enhance your job skills and abilities.
  • Talk to other people about how they use their skills and what it took for them to develop their skillset.
  • Search the Internet for information.
Talk To Other People About How They Use Their Skills.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Talk to other people about
how they use their skills.
If you want to move ahead in life or just keep your mind stimulated, you'll need to learn new skills along the way. As a bodybuilder, you've done this in your adult life.

You test your mind and body every day and continuously work on your overall health. Now it's time to take that same initiative outside of the gym and develop new skills that can skyrocket your career or your personal life.

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