Saturday, March 7, 2015

12 Things Every Woman Does But Will Never Admit To

1.      Wedgies:

You know 100 different ways of getting rid of wedgies without anyone noticing.

     2.      Facebook Espionage:
Once or twice a month, you make the rounds and stalk all of your ex-boyfriends on Facebook.

3.      Bras:

You own a bunch, but you only ever wear the same four over and over.

     4.      Makeup and Sleep:

If you wake up in makeup, you just add a new layer on top and are good to go. Who needs to wipe it off?

5.      Armpits:

Hairy armpits? Long sleeves it is! Just don't go out on a date....

     6.      Planning for the Future:

When you meet a guy you like, you think about how your name would sound with his last name and what your kids would look like. And it's been maybe three dates?

  7.      Hidden Meanings:

Very rarely do you say what you mean plainly. You have to cover it in layers and layers of hidden meaning and expect guys to figure it out. Women like to play with minds.....

    8.      Halloween Freedom:

Halloween's the night everyone has permission to dress a little sexier than the norm. Embrace it! have fun....

9.      Shopping Maniacs:

Every time you walk into a mall looking for some shoes, you somehow end up leaving with 5 shirts, 2 pants, a purse--and no shoes.Whoops!


    10.  Clothes Treatment:

You buy fancy, elegant clothes but quickly ruin them because you have no idea how to clean them. So they go shopping even more. True....

11.  Flatulence:

The most taboo subject in the history of humanity.Women fart and a lot....

12.  Hairy Legs:

Hairy legs? Pants it is! Just don't go home with anybody ok....

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