Monday, May 11, 2015

Spring allergies? Natural solution for dry eyes

We all love the feeling of warmer weather and the promise of summer months ahead, but sometimes the side effects of seasonal changes may not make it less than enjoyable. 
Spring is a time for renewal and so the grass gets greener, the trees and flowers start to blossom and the scenery of white and grey fades away.
Unfortunately, though, with spring’s arrival, dry eyes and other allergy symptoms make their return as well.

natural-solution-for-dry-eyesWhat are dry eyes?

Red, itchy, burning, blurry vision and irritation are best terms to describe dry eyes. 
Although dry eyes can occur at any time in the year, there seems to be an influx when the seasons start to change. In fact, the month of April sees the biggest spike in dry eye cases. 
But what do seasons have to with dry eyes?
136506085Well, when seasons change, especially from winter to spring, depending on how long and how cold the winter was, it can greatly affect the amount of pollen that gets produced. 
This year, for example, will probably be the worst allergy season yet as the winter hit record low temperatures causing a deeper freeze.

Trees do not pollinate at the same time, but the colder winter has delayed some types of trees pollination. This has caused a higher influx occurring all at once.
Dry eyes and allergies used to be considered two separate things, but growing research suggests the two are closely linked. University of Miami scientists discovered this correlation in their study published in ­Ophthalmology
They found a spike in dry eyes not only occurred with the coming of spring but also when a spike in allergies begins. Meaning, those suffering with dry eyes may benefit from allergy prevention tips as well as treatment.

Dry eyes: Causes

common-allergy-mistakesRight off the bat we know that dry eyes can be brought on by the onset of spring. Other dry eye causes include:
  • Poor tear quality: Tears are comprised of oil, water and mucus. If someone has an issue with any of these, it may result in dry eyes.
  • Reduced tear production: Many factors may reduce your ability to tear. For starters, age is a factor, as well as eye surgery and having a medical condition which affects tears.
  • Eyelid problems: Having issues blinking can lead to dry eyes.
  • Medication: Some medications may affect your ability to produce enough fluid to keep eyes moist.
  • Environment: Wind, air and intense concentration can lead to dry eyes.

Dry eyes: Symptoms

Now that we understand how dry eyes can be caused, these are the dry eyes symptoms you need to be aware of
  • Blurred vision
  • Stinging, burning sensation
  • Increase irritation
  • Eye fatigue
  • Light sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Feeling of having something in your eye
  • Periods of excessive tearing.
These are all the dry eye symptoms to look out for if you’re concerned that you may have dry eyes.

Dry eyes: Home remedies

Dry eye symptoms can be annoying and interfere with your life. So if you’re looking for some dry eyes treatment, look no further than these nine dry eyes home remedies to help ease your dry eyes symptoms:
Apply warm compress: Because dry eyes can occur because of a lack of tears, applying a warm compress may unclog your tear glands, allowing the production of tears and relieving dry eyes symptoms.
Clean your eyes: Using a gentle soap – like baby soap – clean your eyes gently. This can help remove any irritants and keep your eyes feeling hydrated and fresh.
Blink: Our bodies naturally lubricate our eyes through blinking. Make sure you are blinking often, especially when concentrating on a computer screen or in front of the television. Blinking can also help remove dust and debris from entering your eyes and irritating them.
Wear protective eye gear: Sunglasses are an easy dry eyes treatment because they can block the sunlight and the wind – both leading to dry eyes.
Stay hydrated: Because our bodies require water for all major functions, it’s no surprise that drinking enough water is a dry eyes treatment. In particular on hotter days, make sure you’re getting adequate hydration, and if you find water boring, add in fruits and vegetables with high water content.
Check with a doctor about medication: If the culprit to your dry eyes is because of medication, then check with your doctor to see if there is an alternative treatment available.
Cucumbers: Because of their water content, placing cucumbers on the eyes can keep them moist and lubricated making them an effective dry eyes home remedy.
Reduce coffee consumption: Coffee can worsen your dry eye condition, so cutting back on your coffee intake may help relieve dry eyes symptoms.
Stop smoking: Smoking or being around smoke can make dry eyes symptoms worse. If you’re a smoker, make plans to quit and if you find yourself in environments of smoke, try to avoid them.

Reducing dry eyes for better vision

reducing-dry-eyesIf this season so far you’ve been noticing dryer, itchier, redder eyes, you probably are suffering from dry eyes related to allergies. Getting your allergies checked is a good basis to establish effective dry eyes treatment. 
By knowing what you’re allergic to, you can better prepare for the change of season and prevent dry eyes as best as possible.
Dry eyes can hinder your ability to enjoy being outdoors and doing the things you love, so by practicing these nine dry eyes home remedies, you can have better success tackling your dry eyes symptoms. Better yet, you won’t dread the spring, and you can go back to making the most of the warmer weather.

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