Friday, February 22, 2013


First thing ever, as you start practicing any kind of sports GET FIT. First of all - A custom or semi-custom insole could make a huge difference in comfort and performance if you have any type of foot abnormality. 1. Spending 10 minutes a day on stretching and core-training - These exercises can help you achieve a more efficient riding position without sacrificing comfort. 2. It all starts with the feet - Your feet have an important job to do on the bike, or as you run, or step-climb, use elliptical machine etc. So, by giving your feet the support necessary to get every bit of power out of them is worht the cost of a quality insole, which may range from $40 to $90 Dollars. 3. Saddles are one of the most important components on the bike, and there is no one perfect-fitting model for everyone. Try multiple saddles (many bike shops have demos one available, and pick one based of fit, and not aesthetics. Comfort and perfect fit are crucial and not looks. 4. A Cleat position slightly behind the ball of the foot helps stabilize the foot throughout the pedal stroke. 5. Once the Correct Saddle height and fore/aft are found , they should not be adjusted to compensate for a bike with too long or too short of a top tube. Fore/aft should be locked in, with the necessary adjustments coming via changes in stem length 6. Clothing can be a much greater cause of drag than one would think. Going from comfortably fitting "jersey to a skintight jersey can help you shave minutes over the course of a ride or race.

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