Saturday, February 9, 2013


Recently, a major reason athletes and people trying to exercise go to the emergency room is related to overdose of energy drinks.
Are Red Bull claims just a bunch of bull? Maybe. A new study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reports that non-caffeine ingredients in energy drinks don't enhance your performance. For example, cyclists who downed Red Bull consumed as much oxygen and felt as tired as athletes who drank a beverage that contained the same amount of caffeine but lacked ingredients such as taurine or B Vitamins. What that means? it is caffeine alone that elevates your game. So, if you are looking for an energy boost during day-to-day workouts.
Something like an energy boost with roughly 76 milligrams of caffeine will do - so take a nice cup of regular brewed coffee, either hot or on ice, which will provide you with 95 milligrams of caffeine and perhaps prevent you from going to the emergency room, because of overdose of energy drinks. Besides, high dose of caffeine or other energy ingredients in energy drinks may keep you awake for long, and shorten your sleep. Remember, a good night sleep is crucial after working out, so you may recover physical and mental energy for the next day. In addition, a good workout can elevate your performance in bed, but high doses of energy drinks will simply decrease it. Therefore, be careful and twice when you decide to ingest too many energy drinks.

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