Friday, February 22, 2013


BEING INJURED DOES NOT MEAN YOU GET TO SKIP THE GYM. KEEP IT GOING. Injuries are inevitable. strains, tears, and even breaks - they happen. This misconception most people have, however, is that just because they hurt knee or ankle they think all exercise is out of the question. Rather you should understand that injuries create a window of of opportunity to take your fitness in different direction. 1. CALL YOUR DOCTOR - Find out for sure whether the injury is something serious or not, and get some advice on which exercise you should avoid for a while. But do not stop exercising, because there is a lot you can do, even if you are injured somehow. 2. DON'T FALL OFF - Understand that no matter what the problem is, you are never out of the game. it is time to start thinking outside the box about what you can do, rather than wallow in what you can't. 3. STAY ACTIVE - Just listen to your body and don't push too hard. Don't let ego delay healing.

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