Saturday, February 23, 2013


After a long winter here in the United States and other weather barriers, in other parts of the World, being stuck in a treadmill is enough to drive nay man or woman mad. So, to that end, i have compiled a comprehensive guide to date, designed to get you out of the recycled air and into the elements. First, i looked into the best and most popular running shoes among high-skilled runners and searched for good ideas and the best options. Then, i searched into ways for you to get more information about running techniques from the best, like marathoner Dean Karnazes and ironman Pete Jacobs. Then, I checked into what celebrity trainer Jay Cardiello could add to our everyday training to the next level. To me, complete fitness is critical. You may see a lot of runners who look emaciated and anemic, then you may see a lot of lifters who have huge upper bodies, but no legs and cannot run one block. So, I like and I recommend a combination of weight-lifting and cardiovascular exercises, such as running and my favorite, swimming. Then, i push myself into the next level, and prepare myself to run a marathon. As a result, there is no way to fake our way to a healthy and reasonable marathon. I believe that it is very unwise, when I see those that never combine exercises, and barely exercise trying to run a marathon for the wrong reason, which may result in injuries and quitting. 1. HOW TO GET STARTED? - Start from the ground up. That means invest in a good pair of shoes from a specially running store. In addition, purchase some good and light running clothes and check the fabrics, to make sure air ventilation is good and the clothing is light, or appropriate for the marathon site. If you have a good base of fitness, seven to nine months is a reasonable amount of time to train for a marathon. And as you train, do NOT simply run, but combine running with weight-lifting, swimming, TRX core training and other exercises to help you build a strong core, legs and improve your cardiopulmonary performance. BUT FIRST OF ALL, CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR AND DISCUSS YOUR PLANS. 2. OK,SO NOW WHAT? - You need now to build a good base mileage, which is, a minimum of 35 miles per week. Hydration is critical. Some guys like to drink electrolyte replacement, others like to drink water. In fact, I prefer water, but it shall be your choice of good hydration. How much you drink, it will depend on how much you sweat, because it varies from person to person, and depend on which part of the country you live in. But, as you run, if you notice a dry mouth, or caked-in salt taste, you are definitely dehydrated. Build core and shoulder muscles and strength with exercise like lat pulldowns and shoulder presses that involve natural arms swings. Accentuate the arm swing as you run, which will load off your legs, and powerful arms may push you forward faster. 3. STAY MOTIVATED ALWAYS - Sign up for a cause, such as Leukemia, other cancers, or for a cause to help others in need. This will motivate you and keep you going. Motivation and keeping it is fundamental for a good marathon preparation and also for keeping your attitude positive for anything else you may do in your life, and DO NOT ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENTLY. ELIMINATE NEGATIVE MINDS AND NEGATIVE THOUGHTS FROM YOUR LIVE. This applies not only for marathons or exercises, but for everything else. As you go forward in life and as an athlete, someone negative or obsessed may interfere to distract you, so eliminate that ok. NOW GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TRAINING AND ON YOUR LIFE / PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL AND MOSTLY STAY ALWAYS POSITIVE.

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