Sunday, January 12, 2014

Warning: Cell Phones Germier than Bathroom Handles

Washing your hands can do a lot to prevent infection during this winter’s cold and flu season. However, your cellphone could look like this photo - VERY DIRTY AND WITH A LOT OF GERMS.
You also might want to wash your cell phone, according to New York Times — just the latest piece to report that your mobile devices can carry more germs than the bottoms of your shoes, making them hotbeds for disease transmission. In 2012, the Wall Street Journal tested eight randomly selected iPhones from a Chicago office, and found that they all showed “abnormally high numbers of coliforms,” a bacteria indicating fecal contamination. When 100 students at the University of Surray in the U.K. tested their phones for bacteria, they found that they all contained pathogens, though most weren't dangerous. "But it just shows the invisible life that can lurk on your phones everyday," a university press release said. Some of the phones tested did hold S aureus, a common bacteria that causes skin and respiratory infections, as well as food poisoning.
One separate study of 20 iPads found that 15 percent of the devices grew S aureus. Researchers in the iPad study noted that bleach wipes were able to remove the pathogens completely. Microfiber cloths were also effective, while alcohol wipes were the least effective at cleaning the devices. All three cleaning methods go against most manufacturers’ cleaning advice, however. Apple warns against using “window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives” to clean its products, for example. Derek Meister, a technician for Geek Squad, Best Buy’s tech repair service, told New York Times he’s come up with an effective home cleaning solution. He uses a 1:1 ratio of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and distilled water. “You want distilled water and purer alcohol so there are fewer chemicals or minerals left behind when the solution evaporates,” Meister said. Because flu season rages on until April (and bacterial infections can sicken you year-round), health and electronics experts advise wiping down your mobile advice at least daily, New York Times reported. Need more motivation? People are just as likely to get sick from their phones as from handles of the bathroom.

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