Monday, June 30, 2014

For Safety's Sake, Don't Leave Kids in Cars

As summer starts, experts are reminding parents not to leave children or dogs alone in a car in warm weather, because that puts them at risk for heat stroke and death.
In 2013, 43 children in the United States died from heat stroke after being left in vehicles, according to Safe Kids Worldwide.
Children overheat three to five times faster than adults, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Even when it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside, a vehicle can reach a life-threatening temperature within minutes.
Nobody ever thinks something like this could happen to them, until it does. Unfortunately, every summer, dozens of children and even dogs die as a result of high temperatures inside of cars. These unintended mistakes can devastate families, so make sure you always look before you lock your vehicle.
The NSC offered the following safety tips:
  • Never leave a child or a dog alone in a car.
  • When you have children or a dog in the car, use reminders to ensure that you'll check for them when you get out of the car. For example, leave something you need in the back, such as your purse, briefcase or phone.
  • Always lock your car doors after you get out of the vehicle. This will prevent children from getting into the car on their own and possibly getting trapped inside.
  • If you see a child alone in a car, call 911 immediately.
SOURCE: National Safety Council, news release, June 16, 2014

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