Saturday, June 14, 2014

Have you ever run into people who always have a bad attitude? Do you know if you are one of them? The good news is that you can change. Find out how.

Article Summary:
  • An attitude represents how you feel toward something based on your experience in life.
  • The simple act of working toward a goal and making progress will boost your confidence.
  • Taking the time to work out and doing something for yourself will make you feel good.

Have you ever run into people who perpetually have a BA (bad attitude)? Some of these people don't appear outwardly blah but a specific topic may spur them on a trail of negativity. How do you know if you are one of them? And more importantly, how can you change your attitude?

How Do You Know If You Have A Bad Attitude?
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How do you know if
you have a bad attitude?
What Is An Attitude? 
An attitude represents how you feel toward something, positive, negative, or neutral based on your experience in life. And, our attitude can change over time after persuasion from others, education and personal experience.

A positive attitude involves an overall optimistic state of mind - where you see everyday as an opportunity for growth and success. You might not be positive about everything (potholes in the road, bad drivers, rain for a week straight) but, a positive outlook will help you:
  • Expect success
  • Feel inspired
  • Motivate you to achieve your goals
  • Believe in yourself
  • See opportunities
  • Feel happy everyday
  • Feel more energetic
  • Expect others to like you and expect the best in other people
The good news is that you can readjust your attitude with a little effort and some patience.
You Can Readjust Your Attitude With A Little Effort And Some Patience.
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You can readjust your attitude with
a little effort and some patience.
How Bodybuilding Can Help Your Attitude
  • Bodybuilders Are Confident: The simple act of working toward a goal and making progress will boost your confidence. And, when you are confident it shows and other people react positively toward you. This domino affect will alter many areas of your life.
  • Bodybuilders Achieve Something Everyday: Regardless of anything else that happens during the course of a day, taking the time to get a workout in and doing something for yourself will make you feel good. And feeling good can change your attitude.
  • Bodybuilders Are Energetic: Working out and eating a healthy, clean diet will give you more energy to face your day. And, energy can help you get through tough days and come out shining.
  • Bodybuilders Realize They Can'T Change Overnight: We are in a "quick fix" society but as a bodybuilder, you know that it takes time, dedication and patience to see all of the positive results from your hard work. Adjusting your attitude won't happen overnight with one "ah-ha" moment. But, you can plug away at it everyday, just like you do with improving your diet, health and body.
The Simple Act Of Working Toward A Goal And Making Progress Will Boost Your Confidence.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
The simple act of working toward a goal and
making progress will boost your confidence.
Additional Tips To Help Your Attitude: 
  • Find Out What Is Bothering You: Sometimes you really need to change your environment (workplace for instance) to experience drastic life changes. Take some time to figure out why you are negative and what your trigger points are. 
  • Own Your Feelings: There are some things you will have a difficult time changing your attitude about. If this is the case, accept how you feel and don't let this one area affect every day of your life. Train your brain to think about the many positive things going on in your life.
  • Accept What You Cannot Control: There are many aspects of our life we have no control over but anguish about anyway. Accept what you have no control over but do what makes you feel better at the same time (vent, write a letter, speak up for how you feel).
  • Focus On The Positive: Some people walk around constantly focusing on what they find fault in or what they don't like. Instead, try flipping a switch in your head and tuning out that stuff and instead focusing on positive things (i.e. the stock market might be down, but that just means it is a great time to buy).
  • Work With Kids: Children will change your perspective on many things. Their innocent outlook on life will put a smile on your face and their desire to have you play with them will make you feel good inside and forget the bad parts of your day!
  • Spend Time With Positive People: Have you noticed that you tend to complain more when you spend time with someone who complains frequently? We can pick up the attitudes and behavior of those people we spend the most time around. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people.
    If the people you are close to could use an attitude adjustment, remember that your behavior can influence them and your reaction to them (or lack of reaction to complaining) can also influence them. So, be a positive role model for others and surround yourself with positive people when possible.

  • Read, Blog, Connect: Pick up books on developing a positive attitude and outlook on life, blog or join blog networks and, connect with others. If life has you down, connect with others who have had a similar experience as you yet overcome their loss, frustration or predicament to make great strides in life.

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