Can a high-fat diet also be a high-performance diet?
Most people
who exercise or compete in endurance sports would probably answer no. For
decades, recreational and competitive athletes have stoutly believed that we
should — even must — consume a diet rich in carbohydrates to fuel exertion.
conventional wisdom has been to avoid fatty foods because they are an
inefficient fuel source and could lead to weight gain.
But in
recent years, some scientists and quite a few athletes have begun to question
those beliefs. Athletes devoted to ultra-endurance sports, in particular, tout
high-fat diets as a means to improve performance.
This debate
is likely to intensify with the announcement last week of new advice from the
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee that suggests cutting back on the starchy
carbohydrates that are staples in many athletes’ high-carb diets, and instead
consume more nuts and other fat-rich foods, in order to improve metabolic
Of course,
improving metabolic health is not the primary focus of serious athletes. They are
concerned with training and racing harder, faster and more frequently. They
want their diets to make them better athletes.
And in
theory, a high-fat diet should oblige. We are, after all, full of fat, as an
interesting review article published last year in The European Journal of Sport
Sciences points out. Entitled “Rethinking Fat as a
Fuel for Endurance Exercise,” the article notes that even the
leanest marathon runner harbors “in excess of 30,000 kilocalories of adipose
tissue reserves,” which is “an order of magnitude greater than maximum
carbohydrates stores in the body.”
In other
words, we each carry with us enough fuel in the form of body fat to get us
through multiple marathons.

Muscles can take up and burn glycogen without many
intermediate metabolic steps. Glycogen provides a fast sugar buzz and that buzz
can fuel most exercise just fine.
Fat, on the
other hand, must first be broken down into fatty acids and other components
before it can be used by the muscles, an intermediate step that makes dietary
fat less immediately available and efficient as a fuel, especially during
intense exercise.
exercise scientists long ago established that endurance training makes athletes
better able to use fat as a fuel.
And that metabolic adaptation prompted many
scientists and coaches in recent years to wonder what would happen if you
extended that ability to its farthest extreme and trained an athlete’s body to
rely almost exclusively on fat, by removing almost all carbohydrates from the
diet and ramping up grease intake?
“Early humans, the hunter-gatherers, who were
quite physically active, primarily ate fat. It’s been the main fuel for active
humans far longer than carbohydrates have been.”
But the
modern science to support the benefits of extremely high-fat/low-carbohydrate
diets for sports performance is scanty and equivocal.
Part of the
problem is that no formal definition exists for a high-performance, high-fat
diet for active people.
Besides, many athletes believe that reducing
carbohydrates to less than 20 percent of their diet, while increasing fat to at
least 65 percent, with the remainder being protein, represents the kind of
high-fat diet that will allow them to subsist almost exclusively on fat during
exertion and therefore almost never tire.
Ideally, the
high-fat diet for sports performance would consist of closer to 85 percent fat
and almost no carbohydrates. This extremely fatty diet leads to a condition
known as ketosis, during which the body creates molecules called ketones that
result from the breakdown of fat into fatty acids.
The body and brain will burn
ketones as fuel when the blood does not contain much sugar. Ketones also are
believed to aid in the reduction of inflammation throughout the body.
theoretically, ketones and fatty acids would fuel even the most prolonged and
strenuous exercise in people following a very high-fat diet and aid in their
recovery from that exercise by reducing inflammation and muscle damage.
However, no study to date has shown that extremely
high-fat, ketogenic diets actually “enhance sports performance,” only that they
make endurance athletes better able to use fat as a fuel.
And the same studies
generally show that high-fat diets blunt performance during high-intensity
sprints, which, even in fat-adapted athletes, demand fast-burning sugar stores.
Still, there
may be reasons for some athletes to experiment with
higher-fat/lower-carbohydrate diets. “Sports performance requires metabolic
flexibility — the ability to use all fuel systems well,” she said. Better fat
burning can be part of that.
diets often also result in weight loss, which can improve performance by
Should you
decide to try grease-loading, however, bear in mind that the switch is likely
to disrupt your training.
Performance actually declines dramatically during the
first several weeks, especially if you are attempting to induce ketosis.
body runs low on glycogen before it becomes well-adapted to using fat, and
people tend to feel fatigued, heavy-legged, nauseated and ill for up to a
mechanics of such a diet also are daunting. While heaping servings of butter,
cream and bacon may sound enticing, “it is really tricky to construct” an
appetizing, sustainable diet consisting of at least 80 percent fat.
upshot, based on today’s best science, is that a high-fat, low-carbohydrate
diet conceivably could be useful for some athletes, especially if they
participate in prolonged, endurance-based activities. But for the rest of us, a balanced diet, with less sugar and perhaps a few more pats of butter, should improve our health and in that way allow us to perform better on the trails and at the gym.
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