Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Best natural remedies to tackle hair loss

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a concern for more than just men noticing a receding hairline. Everyone wants a thick, full head of hair to feel youthful and attractive. When it starts to thin or bald spots appear, we feel self-conscious and insecure about our appearance.
We all wish there was a magical hair loss cure, but there are home remedies for hair loss that you can try for proactive steps on how to prevent hair loss. 
First, though, let’s take a closer look at hair loss to give you a better understanding of why it’s happening.
There are many reasons why hair loss can occur. There are diseases; stress and depression, hormonal and dietary deficiencies; as well as treatments like chemotherapy. 
Hair loss can also result from an unhealthy diet. 
When your body doesn’t receive enough essential nutrients – many of which are needed for normal hair growth – you are more than likely to lose some hair.

How to prevent hair loss

prevent-hair-lossThere are things you can do to help. Instead of turning to expensive creams or hair restoration surgery, try these natural remedies for hair growth. There is no hard science to suggest these are proven natural remedies for hair loss or the ultimate hair loss cure, but they are worth trying nonetheless. Why not go the natural route for your health?

Natural remedies to prevent hair loss

coconut-for-brain-healthThere are roughly 100,000 strands of hair on your scalp. It’s normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands each day, and gradual hair loss will happen as you age. 
But if you’re noticed more extreme loss, you want to take action before it leads to bald spots. 
An estimated 40 to 50 percent of men and women will suffer from hair loss by age 50, while the number of hair transplants has jumped by 42 percent since 2007, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery reports. 
How to prevent hair loss?
Lower your stress, quit smoking, eat fresh, whole foods and keep active on a daily basis. These basics are great remedies to boost hair growth and achieve overall good health! 
Now take things a bit further with these top home remedies for hair loss.  

1 - Hair oil massage: Massage is fantastic for circulation because it increases blood flow. By massaging your hair and scalp, you’ll boost blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting growth. Massage also promotes relaxation, relieving harmful stress. A scalp that is “tight” from stress hinders circulation and hair growth.
The use of nourishing oils, like almond, coconut or olive oil, will also condition the scalp and help combat dandruff and dry skin, conditions that also impedes hair growth. Regular massage for hair loss with these oils can reduce the chances of the hair strands becoming brittle, split and broken as well.
How to do it: Pour some oil into a bowl and warm the oil by placing the bowl in some hot water. Apply the oil little by little with the pads of your fingers to different parts of your scalp, working some along the length of your hair. 
Use circular motions with your finger pads to massage the scalp. Leave the oil on for 30 minutes, longer if you can. For more conditioning, dip a towel in hot water, wring it out, and wrap it around your head for another 30 minutes. Then wash out with a gentle shampoo.
2 Coconut milk: This tropical milk is trending high when it comes to healthy foods. If you’re looking for natural remedies for hair growth, coconut milk is a sure bet. Drink some and apply it topically to your hair as well. It’s rich in protein and good-for-you essential fats.
How to do it: Buy it readymade in cartons or make it yourself by adding freshly grated coconut to a pan of water. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes and then strain. When it’s cooled, apply the milk to your scalp and into your hair. Relax, enjoy the coconut scent. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
3 - Fenugreek: Found in most groceries, fenugreek is one of the top herbs for remedies to boost hair growth. Fenugreek seeds contain many useful nutrients that enhance hair growth and help rebuild hair follicles: Proteins, vitamin C, plant based estrogens and other steroids. A paste of fenugreek leaves is often recommended to condition hair and reduce dandruff.
How to do it: Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind them to make a paste, then apply to your hair and cover with a shower cap. After about 40 minutes, rinse your hair.
4 - Aloe vera: What can’t this versatile soothing plant do? It’s a natural remedy to soothe irritated skin and help relive constipation, and it’s considered one of the top natural remedies for hair growth.
herbal-remedies-arthritis-and-joint-pain-reliefAloe contains active compounds that may reduce pain and inflammation, and stimulate skin growth and repair. It is also an effective moisturizing agent. 
Those active compounds are also beneficial for your scalp and hair. Regular use can also relieve scalp itching, reduce scalp redness and inflammation, add strength and luster to hair, and help with dandruff. Aloe vera gel and juice will work.
How to do it: Apply aloe vera gel or juice onto the scalp. Leave it on for an hour (or more if you have the time) and then wash off with lukewarm water.
5 - Licorice root: The flavorful root is another effective herb when it comes to how to prevent hair loss and further damage to the hair. Its calming properties soothe the scalp and help get rid of irritations like dry flakes. This remedy is good for dandruff, too.
How to do it: Add one tablespoon of ground licorice root to one cup milk with a quarter teaspoon of saffron. Mix thoroughly, and apply the paste on bald or thinning patches at bedtime and leave on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning. Follow this remedy once or twice a week for best results. You can also take licorice internally in licorice tea every day.
6 - Beetroot: Juice some fresh beets for a healthy head of hair. Thought your go-to carrot-apple morning beverage health-benefits-of-beet-root-juicewas good? 
Beetroot juice, contains carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C. 
All these nutrients are essential for healthy hair growth, making beetroot one of the top natural remedies for supporting hair growth.
How to do it: Try juicing beetroot with carrots, grapes and apples. They’re best mixed with additional veggies or fruit. You’ll love the amazing ruby color in a strawberry-beet juice combination, too. Delicious!
7 - Onion juice: Onion juice? Onions have a high sulfur content, which helps improve blood circulation to the hair follicles, regenerate hair follicles and reduce inflammation. Its antibacterial properties also help kill germs, and treat scalp infections that contribute to hair loss. 
onion-health-benefitsHow to do it: While onions are a wonderful part of your diet, try onion juice on your hair. 
Extract the juice of one onion by grating it and then straining it. 
Apply the juice directly onto the scalp. Leave on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off. 
Follow with shampooing. You can also mix the juice with some aloe vera gel and olive oil. 
Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing and shampooing. 
Try these home remedies for hair loss and feel good about the fact that they are all natural ways to combat thinning hair and bald spots. 
How to prevent hair loss really should be this simple.

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