Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fight infections naturally with these foods and herbs

Strep throat, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections (UTI) – when your immune system isn’t in top shape, you’re more prone to bacterial infections like these. For people with chronic illness  with compromised immunity or for seniors, where aging alone means immunity isn’t as strong as it once was, these infections take hold more easily.
That’s why natural remedies for bacterial infections like certain foods and herbs are important to include in your diet. It’s a way to be proactive and protect yourself from getting sick.
First, though, let’s distinguish between bacterial infections and viruses – which commonly are confused. 
The causes of bacterial infection are bacteria, while viral infections are caused by viruses, like your typical cold. The most important distinction between the two is antibiotic drugs usually kill bacteria, but they aren’t effective against viruses.
You have likely heard about superbugs and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Over-prescription or inappropriate use of antibiotics is partly to blame for new strains of bacterial disease that are resistant to medication. That’s why there’s a push to create superior drugs to combat bacterial infections and bacterial infection symptoms that can even be fatal.
You want to do all that you can to protect yourself! Certain antibacterial foods and herbs offer natural remedies for bacterial infections to bolster your immune system and help you recover faster. 
Some are even reported to make antibiotics more effective, so if bacterial infection symptoms persist and you do require prescription medication, you could get back on your feet much more quickly. These particular foods, then, may help reduce antibiotic use.
We’re all for going the natural route!

Causes of bacterial infection

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that live in different types of environment, both hot and cold. Some live in your intestines where they help to digest food, some fight disease-causing microbes, and some provide essential nutrients. 
There are a lot of good bacteria, but some can be harmful. Fewer than 1 percent of bacteria cause diseases in people, but when they do, bacterial infection symptoms can be hard to manage.
The point is, infectious bacteria can make you very ill. What happens is they reproduce quickly in the body and many give off chemicals that are toxic, damaging tissue and making you ill.
Common bacteria that are causes of bacterial infection include:
  • Streptococcus
  • Staphylococcus
  • E. coli
Also, infectious bacteria are easily contracted – whether you’ve touched infected bodily fluid, shared a beverage containing the infectious bacteria, being bitten by an insect or animal carrying the bacteria or inhaling bacterial particles emitted by coughing or sneezing. Then there’s indirect transmission, where you’ve touched bacteria on furniture, doorknobs, toys, personal care products previously touched by someone with a bacterial infection.
In other words, it’s not surprising we get sick. But a strong immune system can ward off these invaders.

Types of bacterial infection

There are a number of bacterial infections circulating, including the following:
  • Meningitis
  • H. pylori infection
  • Staph infections (skin infections, pneumonia, food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, blood poisoning)
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Yeast infection
  • Recurring prostate infection
  • Ear infection.

Symptoms of bacterial infection

Symptoms can be similar to viral infections. Typically, you may experience the following, all indications that your immune system is trying to rid the body of infectious organisms:
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Fever
  • Inflammation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Cramping.

Antibacterial foods and herbs can help

Fight Bacteria with Something You Use DailyWith strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria a growing concern, try these natural remedies for bacterial infections. They can boost your immune system and help protect you from getting sick:
Manuka honey: Top of our list! Honey has been used medicinally in ancient cultures since time began for its healing, antibacterial properties, but a specific kind of honey works best, studies show. It’s the manuka honey from New Zealand, harvested from the honeybees that pollinate the manuka bush.
In research and development circles, in fact, manuka honey has been trademarked as “Medihoney,” which should give you some idea of its medicinal strength.
Microbiologists from the University of Technology, Sydney, have found that manuka honey is superior for stopping bacterial infections in wounds. Results of their studies have been published in the journal PLOS ONE, demonstrating that manuka honey owes its antibacterial fighting power mainly to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and high levels of a chemical called methylglyoxalor MGO not found in most honeys.
The researchers found manuka honey, compared to other honeys, was superior against four bacteria commonly found in chronic wounds. They tested the effect of New Zealand clover, manuka and kanuka honeys on E. coli, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
All manuka honeys are not created equal, however, so the less processed, more natural manuka is most effective.
Maple syrup: Your favorite pancake topping could be helping your immune system. 
Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada tested a concentrated extract of maple syrup against infection-causing strains of bacteria including E. coli in the laboratory. 
Study results concluded the extract was mildly effective at combatting the bacteria, and “particularly effective” when applied with antibiotics.
Interesting to note, researchers said they could see the maple syrup extract incorporated into capsule with antibiotics, helping to reduce antibiotics dose and use.
Lemons: Add some fresh lemon to power up your water and your smoothies! 
The vitamin C content helps boost the immune system, for one, and helps the liver to dump toxins from the body by stimulating its natural enzymes. 
The sour, tangy fruit is a potent “cleanser” and recommended as a great start to your day to stimulate your digestion.
Echinacea: A potent herb, popular for strengthening the immune system and warding off infection. The above part of the plant, rather than the root, is considered the most effective. 

It contains several chemicals that play a role in its therapeutic effects, including polysaccharides – substances known. to trigger the activity of the immune system – and flavonoids.
Mother Nature’s medicine is a great way to boost your immune system and give yourself a fighting chance bacterial infection. 
Build these natural remedies for bacterial infections into your diet and see how great you feel.

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