101 year old man who was getting ready to do his 10 marathon What? Can you say that again? I asked him.
"He told me that years ago he discovered that when he ate a combination of broccoli, green tea extract and spirulina his energy levels dramatically increased."
My new found 101 year old friend finished the marathon in a respectable 5.5 hours and I hobbled across the line in just over 6.
After the race and the adrenalin died down I found myself thinking about the conversation I had with this guy at the start line.
How could it be possible that a simple combination of foods could give a 101 year old guy enough energy to run a marathon?
The researchers found that when specific quantities of these foods are combined.
The quest to live longer has been one of humanities oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated communities have stumbled across the answer.
On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, In the Californian town of Loma Linda and in the mountains of Sardinia people live longer than anywhere else on earth.

In these unique communities a group of scientists have dedicated their lives to trying to uncover their secrets.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are about 500,000 centenarians in the world, and almost 100,000 in the United States. And the population is rapidly growing.
The agency projects by 2050 there will be 1.1 million centenarians in America alone.
Meanwhile, researchers at Boston University predict there will be even more, estimating some 3 million baby boomers will live to be 100 or older.
This begs the question: How can you live healthfully into your 100s? Experts say having good genes is half the battle, but lifestyle clearly contributes too.
Exercise - Health meals - Relaxation and good times with frriends and family plus a lot more,,,,,,
Medical professionals insist that beginning these practices early can easily add decades to your lifetime.
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