Causes and symptoms of costochondritis
Chest pain is always taken seriously as it can be a strong indicator that something is wrong with your heart. 
You may notice when you go in for a check-up the doctor will usually ask if your symptoms include chest pain as they try to rule out heart issues. But sometimes chest pains don’t necessarily result in a heart condition. 
In fact, if you have costochondritis, the pain will subside on its own without you having to worry about your heart.
Costochondritis is a condition where inflammation occurs between the tissues that connects the rib to the sternum (breast bone). To some, this pain can be alarming because it may feel similar to the pain caused by an oncoming heart attack.

Causes and symptoms of costochondritis

The cause of costochondritis isn’t clear, but there are some suspected reasons as to why inflammation may occur. Some potential causes of costochondritis are injury, physical strain, arthritis, joint infection and tumors.
gastroesophageal-reflux-diseaseSymptoms of costochondritis include chest pain, typically occurring on the left side, feelings of sharp pressure, painful ribs and worsening pain when you cough or breathe.
The likelihood of developing costochondritis increases for those over the age of 40, especially in women.

Treatment and prevention

Typical treatment of costochondritis includes taking anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and under very severe cases, surgery.
Since costochondritis can occur from physical strain, therapy may be helpful to stretch out the area. Stretching out the muscles in the chest may help alleviate pain associated with costochondritis.
Applying cold and hot compresses, too, can help alleviate pain. But most of all, it is best to rest as to not further aggravate the pain. Costochondritis will go away on its own, but if you notice the pain is sticking around for weeks, seek out medical attention.
