In today’s scenario, junk food is the most convenient, affordable and readily available medium for us. Although, everyone is familiar with the ill effects of junk food if regularly consumed yet most of the people are highly dependent on junk food items.
It is very important to know for the habitual consumer of junk food that these food items contain very less amount of vitamins and minerals.
An enormous amount of calories and oxycholesterol present these items raise the level of high triglycerides resulting in the bad fat.
Most threatening fact is the presence of trans fats and hydrogenated oils in the junk food.
Once you get used to with the junk food, it is becomes very difficult to ignore them.
Some horrible things that junk food does to our body are discussed here:
1. Causes kidney disease:
Junk food can be dangerous for the people suffering from kidney disease due to excess salt. Intake of large quantity of sodium may also increase the risk of kidney disease, kidney stone and stomach cancer. Junk foods directly affect the kidney because it is only responsible to filter the entire toxin from the blood.
2. Damages the liver:

Junk food is high in calories but low in micro-nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) and dietary fiber. High liver of trans fat found in junk food get deposited in the liver causing liver dysfunction.
3. Responsible for tiredness and weakness:
The hydrogenated oils in fried foods and sugar in the sodas and colas is responsible for the body fat. The outcome will the problem of obesity and therefore, making your body lethargic.
4. Generate the digestive problems:
The people who are too much addicted to fatty junk food suffer from digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Excess oil in the junk food is deposited on the stomach linings wall, which increases the production of acid in our body.
5. Trigger the memory impairment:
Recent researches show that one-week consumption of junk food is enough to affect brain function of rats.
The bad fats present in junk food replaces the healthy fats in the brain and disturb the normal signaling mechanism.
6. Higher the risk of heart disease:
Junk food is also responsible for the top risk factors of strokes and heart disease reason being high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Too much junk food eating may also lead in the increment of LDL cholesterol levels. Junk food brings sudden increment in the blood sugar levels and damages the linings of the blood vessels that cause chronic inflammation.
This inflammation leads to bad cholesterol to fix with the walls of the arteries and block the flow of blood to heart.
When the blood flow is blocked, heart attack occurs. As much as you put on the weight, the risk of heart attack increases with it.
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