A protein patch has been developed which has shown to reverse heart attack damage done onto the heart muscles in pig and mouse hearts. Researchers are hopeful that human clinical trials can start as early as 2017 in order to test their protein patch.
Protein patch to repair heart attack damage in heat muscles developedWhen the heart experiences a heart attack heart muscles become damaged and can die due to lack of oxygen. 
Unfortunately the damaged heart muscles are unable to regenerate which can lead to scar tissue in an attempt to heal itself.
There is no current treatment which can reverse the damage to heart muscles brought on by a heart attack. 
It’s estimated that 735,000 Americans suffer from a heart attack annually. Complications associated with a heart attack can result to abnormal heart rhythms and even heart failure.
Previous research conducted on zebrafish – which can regenerate heart muscles – revealed the inner layer of the pericardium – epicardium – plays a role in in the regeneration of damaged heart muscles.
Analyzing epicardium cells allowed researchers to learn these cells are responsible for replication of heart muscles. The team analyzed over 300 proteins to determine which were responsible for regeneration.
They managed to indentify the protein Follistatin-like 1 (FSTL1) which stimulates regeneration. Additional findings revealed that post-heart attack this protein diminishes.
The researchers then developed a patch which contains FSTL1 to stimulate regeneration. The patch it placed on the heart and slowly absorbed.
The protein patch was tested on the damaged hearts of pigs and mice and within two to four weeks researchers saw heart muscle growth and growth of new blood vessels.
The findings are “exciting” and clinically favorable because the patch contains no cells patients would not require immunosuppressive medication.