Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spinal stenosis causes, symptoms, natural treatment, and exercises

Spinal stenosis is a spinal condition characterized by the narrowing of the open spaces within the spine. This narrowing causes pressure on the spinal cord and nerves which can travel to the arms and legs. Spinal stenosis is most common in the lower back and the neck.

Spinal stenosis can often be symptomless, but for many people symptoms can vary from pain and tingling to even problems with the bowel and bladder. 

We will explain signs and symptoms of spinal stenosis in more detail later on.

Spinal stenosis is most often caused by wear and tear, as well as changes to the spine from osteoarthritis, but there are many other causes, which can contribute to this ailment as well.

Spinal stenosis causes

As mentioned, spinal stenosis can be caused by wear and tear and changes to the spine as a result of osteoarthritis, but other causes of spinal stenosis include:

Aging – the risk of spinal stenosis increases with age.
Arthritis – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Heredity – a small spinal canal at birth can cause spinal stenosis in younger individuals.
Instability of the spine – vertebras slipping forward thus narrowing the spinal canal.
Tumors – tumors located on the spine can lead to narrowing of the spine. Spinal tumors can also affect bone resorption – a process needed to make bones stronger.
Trauma – accidents and injuries to the spine can cause the spinal canal to narrow, contributing to spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis symptoms, risk factors, and complications

Spinal stenosis may not present any symptoms, meaning it can go undetected for quite some time. When symptoms do appear, they may start of dull and progress gradually. Some signs and symptoms to pay attention to in spinal stenosis include back and neck pain, numbness, weakness, cramping or pain in the arms or legs, pain spreading down the leg, and foot problems.
Depending on the severity of spinal stenosis other symptoms may present themselves such as loss of control of your bladder or bowels, difficulty having sex and pain, loss of feeling or weakness in the arms and legs.
spinal stenosisGenerally, patients with spinal stenosis are over the age of 50. If spinal stenosis is diagnosed in younger individuals, it is often a result of inborn smaller spinal canal.
Complications of spinal stenosis include numbness, weakness, balance problems, incontinence – loss of bladder control, weak bladder, – and paralysis.

Spinal stenosis natural treatment and alternative therapies

Treatment for spinal stenosis may be medical or alternative, depending on the severity of the condition. Some common remedies that your doctor may prescribe include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other pain relievers, corticosteroid injections, anesthetic injections, restriction of activity, exercises and physical therapy, a lumbar brace, and back support.
Some alternative therapies include chiropractic treatment and acupuncture. Chiropractors may manipulate the spine in order to create greater space between the vertebrae and reduce pressure on nerves. 
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique, which involves inserting needles into specific points of the body. Acupuncture has been shown in numerous studies to be beneficial to those with back pain.
Surgery, too, may be a treatment option for spinal stenosis as a way to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Surgery can also help restore and maintain spine alignment which is done by trimming, removing, and adjusting the affected parts of the spine.
Surgery, although beneficial, always involves a risk. Consulting with your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery and discussing your risks prior to the procedure is a good idea to minimize complications.

Spinal stenosis exercises

Exercises and natural treatment for adult scoliosisAs mentioned, exercise and physical therapy can be beneficial for spinal stenosis, but not all exercises are ideal. In the beginning, you may want to consult with a physical therapist in order to determine which exercises are safe and receive a proper demonstration on how they should be performed in order to reduce your risk of injury. 
Exercise should only be completed as tolerated. You should not push yourself if it doesn’t feel right as otherwise it can worsen the condition.
Some beneficial exercises include walking and swimming, as both exercises are low impact. Running is too vigorous for spinal stenosis as it adds pressure to the spine and thus can worsen the condition.
Always speak to your doctor prior to starting an exercise routine if you have spinal stenosis in order to prevent injury and complications related to the condition.

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