Thursday, December 28, 2017

6 Exotic Fruits You’ve Never Heard Of

Fruits and vegetables are good for your health, we all know this, but sometimes eating the same foods over and over again can be incredibly boring, which is why it’s always interesting to find something new. And these exotic fruits, most of which you have probably never heard of, are definitely going to give you a sensory overload.

Jabuticaba: You’d be forgiven for thinking that the Jabuticaba is just a hideous growth on the side of a tree trunk because this unusual fruit grows out of the bark of trees. 
However, according to MNN, the flesh of the fruit is sweet and tasty, often being made into jams, tarts, and even wines.
Durian: Native to Malaysia and Indonesia, the Durian fruit is probably the most revolting smelling fruit in the world (which smells much like cheese and stinky feet). Its skin is green and covered in spikes, while the inside is a custardy color and offers an odd combination of tastes, said to resemble garlic, caramel, and whipped cream.
Ackee: This fruit is native to tropical West Africa and is unique looking with its contrasting yellow arils (which is the only edible part of the fruit) and toxic black seeds. 
But you should take caution before eating one of these fruits, because if you eat them before they are ripe and the pods have opened naturally, then you could get incredibly sick—with symptoms including vomiting, a coma, and in some cases even death.
African cucumber: Forget the green cucumbers you’re used to, because the African cucumber or horned melon as it’s sometimes referred to, is a yellow colored fruit filled with little "horns" covering the outside. 
The inside, however, is a striking bright green jelly-like flesh. But this fruit doesn’t just look interesting, it also has an interesting taste and has been described as a mixture between a lemon, a cucumber, and a banana.
Mangosteen: The Mangosteen originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas, and is a strikingly beautiful fruit with a hard purple shell, while the inside offers a soft, white, edible flesh which is very sweet and tastes like a mixture of peaches and strawberries, with a slight tang.
Rambutan: Rambutan’s look like hairy litchis and their texture is very similar. However, the taste is different to that of a litchi because it has a unique balance of sweet and sour, and is often compared to a grape.

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