It’s incredibly important to find sources of happiness in your life that aren’t tied to people or stuff.
Because you can’t always depend on “people” or “stuff” to be there for you all of the time. So if your happiness is only tied to them, it’s going to be much easier to lose that happiness when they are gone.
People come and go. You probably don’t hang out with the same people you did 10 years ago, and you probably won’t hang out with the same people 10 years into the future either.
Relationships change: people move, people change jobs, people die, or people just lose touch over time.
Stuff comes and goes. Your new car eventually breaks down. Your new phone eventually becomes outdated.
Your new computer eventually stops working. You lose things. You forget things. You get a short high when you first buy something, and then it quickly fades away.
When your happiness is only tied to things that are always changing, you’re going to get easily caught up in the “highs” and “lows.” In certain times, it’s necessary to have sources of happiness that aren’t tied to anyone but yourself.
Here are 3 sources of happiness that aren’t tied to people or stuff:
1. Learning new things
There is always more to learn and explore in this world. There are many days I’ve gotten pleasantly lost searching for knowledge about all sorts of topics and subjects: psychology, music, economics, politics, history, and philosophy.
Just learning for the sake of learning is something that can be very fulfilling. Even learning about something that has nothing to do with your life personally can be a great way to enter a new world and expand yourself as a human being.
It feels good to better understand the world and how it works. There is a great joy and satisfaction in just learning something new each day – about anything, but especially things that you have a strong interest in.
It doesn’t have to be anything complicated either.
Just learning a new recipe, or learning a new dance, or learning a new magic trick can lead you to feel a little more accomplished and happier. It’s good for your self-esteem and it’s good for your brain.
You may have graduated school, but your mind often craves to continue learning more and absorbing more.
2. Pursuing meaningful goals
Another huge source of happiness for me is pursuing meaningful goals.
These include goals outside of work and home life, which could mean anything from writing a book, to creating a song, to starting a blog, to taking up photography.
It’s healthy to have a goal that you’re pursuing just for yourself and your own joy and satisfaction.
For example, whenever I’m feeling really down and beaten by life, I’m always motivated to work on my music. It seems to be a type of “backbone” for me when life starts to get chaotic and out-of-control.
We all need that backbone in life – a meaningful pursuit that we can go to even when we have nothing else going well for us.
Do you know what that backbone is for you? That hobby that is always there for you when you’re feeling shitty? It’s important to have one if you don’t already.
3. Stopping to reflect and appreciate
If you can’t just stop, reflect, and appreciate life every now and then, it’s going to be difficult to find any amount of happiness.
Sometimes you have to learn how to just sit and appreciate things exactly as they are, without always wanting to change them.
There is nothing to me like just sitting in the sun in the afternoon or staring at the stars at night – and being completely happy with the present moment.
If you can’t find contentment in those common everyday experiences in life, then you probably won’t be able to find much contentment with the rest of life either.
Of course, these aren’t the only sources of happiness. But it helps to have multiple sources of happiness, especially ones that aren’t always tied to people or stuff.

Are you taking advantage of these sources of happiness? What are ways you can better use these sources of happiness in your own life?
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