It stresses that people eat raw, minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, certain oils, and dairy products.
Cooked meats are allowed, but all other foods should be as close to natural as possible. Milk, for example, should be consumed in its raw, unpasteurized state.
Fast facts about the Primal diet:
- The principle is that eating zero processed foods will reduce the
- The diet excludes farmed foods, such as grains and more modern
- The Primal diet is a relatively new diet and not thoroughly researched yet.
What is the thinking behind it?
Grains, such as wheat and corn, were introduced in later agricultural development.
Since early humans did not have direct access to these foods, the Primal diet rejects their consumption.
Processed foods, such as hot dogs, baked goods, and others, should also be avoided, as these food types did not exist at this time.
According to this book Primal Blueprint, the author developed the plan following years of being a competitive athlete.
The author was looking for a way to keep healthy and in shape once he was no longer able to commit to long hours training in the gym.
The conclusion eventually reached is that modern humans consume too many processed foods and not enough raw foods.
Sugar has been shown to have drastic long- and short-term consequences when consumed in large amounts.

It is believed that these foods provide all the nutrients a person needs to live a healthy life and is much closer to how early humans would have survived.
What can people on the Primal diet eat?
There are a variety of foods allowed on the Primal diet. Some of the recommended foods include:
- seeds
- nuts
- any fruit
- any variety of vegetable
- honey and real maple syrup
- meats
- raw dairy products, such as milk
- fish
- starchy vegetables
- wild rice and quinoa
Any food consumed should be of the best possible quality — this means organic and fresh. Any food that can be safely consumed raw should be eaten raw to get the maximum nutritional value from the food.
Foods to avoid
People following the Primal diet should not eat any food that was unavailable to early humans.
In general, avoid any foods that do not come directly from a naturally growing plant or animal.
Foods that a person following the Primal diet should avoid, include:
- sugars
- peanuts
- processed oils, such as vegetable oil
- alcohol
- soy
- any grain
- processed foods, such as cookies or crackers
People trying to stick to the Primal diet may find it easier to cook and prepare all of their foods themselves. Prepackaged foods often contain additional ingredients, such as preservatives that are not allowed.
Is it healthful?
The Primal diet may be a healthier alternative to diets rich in processed foods and lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables. The foods allowed on the Primal diet can offer a variety of nutrients that the body needs as long as the person properly balances their food intake.

Conversely, eating more vegetables and fruits without meats may lead to other nutritional deficits.
Ultimately, how healthy the Primal diet is, depends on how well a person follows the recommendations and interprets them.
For optimal health, a person should consult a knowledgeable doctor or dietitian before starting the Primal diet.
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