Friday, June 29, 2012


First of all, maintain your body from the inside out. To live long and stay strong and healthy, you have to pay attention to your inner workings, or better say, your inner body systems. Here is a quick and easy look at male and female machines, and how you can do some tinkering to make sure it is purring like it should.
1. MUSCLES: Exercise on a regular basis. The benefits of exercising your muscles, even when you do not feel up to par, fitting in a regular exercise routine will boost your health tremendously. Remember always that, CONSISTENCY is much better than intensity. So, be consistent, disciplined and exercise your muscles always. This will boost your testosterone and growth hormone levels, which which will make you younger, stronger, leaner and sexier. 2. LUNGS: First, DO NOT SMOKE!! And if you do smoke, STOP IT! Talk to your doctor on ways to assist stop this slow suicide bad habit. Plus, start some sort of good cardiovascular exercise, like swimming, jogging, ride a bicycle or do any outdoor activity you enjoy. Do it in the early morning when the outside air is cleaner and fresh. 3. HEART: Focus on eating as many heart-healthy foods as possible, such as grilled fishes, green vegetables, fruits like pomegranate, acai, pineapple and of course the delicious apples. In addition, many studies show that chemicals in fruits and vegetables, popularly called pythochemicals and antioxidants can fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases, so EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Further, your body will thank you for the extra vitamins and fiber. 4. BONES: First exercise, then make sure to ingest enough calcium. Most people don't do it, so bones become weak. Drink milk, eat cheese, egg-whites, yogurt and of course add some calcium fortified orange juice. Salmon and other fishes are also great sources og calcium, so eat them grilled on a regular basis. 5. EYES: Our eyes are precious, so feed them with good eyes vitamins, lycopene, beta-carotene, eat lots of carrots and protect them from the bad UV sun rays, by using UVA / UVB protection sunglasses all the times while outdoors.

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