Sunday, March 8, 2015

Components Of A Detox Diet

The detox diet usually lasts a few days and is aimed at the treatment and elimination of toxins from the body. 

This natural activity of detoxification of the body is carried out mostly by the liver. It is the organ that manages millions of chemicals that we ingest which can be harmful to our health and takes actions for their elimination or neutralization.

A detox diet has been specially designed to dispose of the accumulated toxins in the body. 

It should therefore be based on the consumption of foods that are easy to digest, low in fat and especially low in protein. 

The liver, in particular, is strained by excessive eating (overeating, alcohol abuse, etc.) and it ends up in slowing down your metabolism.

In addition to reduce the protein and calorie intake, the diet shall further include the intake of detoxifying foods such as whole grains, eggs and fish albeit with some moderation, they must still be consumed regularly.

Here are some foods recommended for a detox diet:

  1. Any type of vegetable
  2. beans of any kind
  3. lentils
  4. tofu
  5. oats
  6. potatoes of all types
  7. rice and rice noodles
  8. fresh fish and canned fish such as tuna and salmon in brine
  9. walnuts
  10. unsalted peanuts and pistachios
  11. popcorn without salt
  12. natural yogurt
  13. honey

Here are some foods to AVOID while undergoing a detox diet:

  1. Salt
  2. smoked foods, roasted, salted or overly fried
  3. cold cuts
  4. chocolate
  5. candy
  6. coffee
  7. milk
  8. cheese
  9. eggs
  10. cream
  11. butter
  12. sodas and sugary foods
  13. all fatty meats
  14. all dairy

Benefits of the Detox Diet:

1. First of all, it helps to cleanse the body regaining energy and vitality.
2. It improves the functioning of our metabolism, digestion, eliminates headaches, assists in fluid retention, increases energy levels, strengthens the immune system to combat the evils of the season to prevent chronic diseases.
3. No less important benefit is weight loss. In the course of one week you can lose 2 to 4 pounds. 

In fact, this diet is a classic low-calorie diet mainly based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Who should follow such a diet?

This diet, as well as all the cleansing diets should be followed for a week at least once a year by all.
We are constantly exposed to intake of toxins and free radicals due to pollution, stress, caffeine, alcohol, food additives, trans fats etc.

In addition to following cleansing fruits and vegetables, it is important to minimize the exposure to factors of intoxication such as smoking, caffeine, alcohol, etc. 

It is also useful to supplement diet with intake of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. It may be useful to consume aloe vera, or beet juice.

Remarkably, the detox diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases such as anemia, diabetes or kidney problems.

It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. In any case it is always best to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before starting to follow a diet to detoxify and cleanse your body.

This diet is a must at regular intervals for all. We all are aware of the way our bodies ingest toxic substances unknowingly. Such a diet, if followed in letter and spirit, can go a long way to improve a body's health by detoxifying it.

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