Friday, February 22, 2013


On November 3rd, 2004, Mike Rosco, a 20-year U.S. Navy veteran was killed tragically in a traffic accident near Thousand Oaks, California. Five years later, and in Mike's spirit, his older brother Jack Nosco, a firefighter and cyclist, decided to organize a small group ride of local cyclists to raise money for local families battling cancer. Now each year, on November 3rd, the group begins with a stop at the place of Mike's accident in order for participants to pay respects, and then takes in three of Santa Monica Mountains' toughest and most infamous climbs for a total of over 8000 feet of climbing along an 80-plus-mile loop. The 2012 edition of the Mike Rosco Memorial Cicycle Ride brought in approximately $40,000, which was distributed among four families in need of help with medical bills and other expenses. If you want to ride the 2013 Mike Rosco Memorial Cicycle Ride go to and sign up. I will !!

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