Friday, February 22, 2013


Sometimes, and very often in our lives, we reach that brick wall, and keep trying to break it. However, it is wise, to say: YOU REACH THE TIME TO STOP, TO THINK, THEN TO MOVE TOWARD THE RIGHT DIRECTION, which shall be the best and most appropriate for you. At this point, people based on their differences, try all sort of things to break that wall. Some go to a church and pray and ask God for heal, some change churches or even beliefs, others go crazy or seek answers in the wrong place. The truth is, God and life are telling you, and showing you a sign - it is time to STOP. It is time to THINK and perhaps to REALIZE that it is not your time, or it is not the best thing for you. So, when we realize that, it is like a weight being lift out of our backs. In my case, what I do is when I reach that brick wall. I STOP, I THINK and I look at the horizon ahead of me and ask for patience, for calm and keep reminding myself that tomorrow is just another day, and so why worry today about something, that will be resolved tomorrow! Life goes on and we shall go on with it, and when we reach that barrier, that brick wall, STOP - TAKE ACTION and MOVE to the right direction. This can be applied for anything, relationships, work, family, wishes, and etc etc etc..You shall know when you reach that brick wall, and only you can help yourself!! SO DO IT !!

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