Sunday, February 15, 2015

Healthy Grocery List - What To Eat To Be More Healthy

When it comes time to make a grocery shopping trip, it can be difficult to buy the healthiest foods when there is all of that junk food starring you right in the face. 

This is why it's important to make a list of all of the foods that you want to buy and only stick to that list.

If you are trying to get into better shape, live a healthier lifestyle and detoxify your body, you need to make a healthy grocery list when you go to the store.

Putting Bread on Your Healthy Grocery List

Bread items are some of the best foods that you can eat when you are detoxifying. 

Some breads and items from the bakery that should be on your list are:

Whole wheat bread: Wheat bread is much healthier for you than white bread is. Along with whole wheat, you should also try to eat whole grain bread as well.

Whole-grain flour tortillas: Eat these with some light cheese melted in them for a good side dish or even a main meal.

Putting Cereal and Breakfast Foods on Your Healthy Grocery List

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't forget. This means that you should put foods on your list that are very good for you such as:

 Instant oatmeal: Oatmeal is a very healthy breakfast choice and many types contain a lot of fiber. The oatmeal should be steel cut.

Multi-grain cereal: It can also be whole-grain as well. When buying cereal or cereal bars, aim for more fiber and less sugar. 

To make your cereal and oatmeal better tasting, add some dry fruit or berries. You can also use nuts.

Buying Fiber for Detoxifying Your Body

The best thing that you can eat when you are aiming to detoxify your body is fiber.

Add these items to your next grocery list:

Brown rice: If you are trying to get a lot of fiber, brown rice is one of the best foods that you can eat. It is low in calories which means that it will help you lose weight.

Fresh vegetables: Some vegetables that contain a lot of fiber are artichokes, radishes, broccoli, beets, cabbage and seaweed. While some of these may not sound like your favorite vegetables, they are still great for cleaning out the system.

Fresh fruits: There are many fresh fruits that contain a lot of fiber, such as raspberries, pears with skin, strawberries, oranges, raisins, bananas and dried figs.

When it comes to eating healthy to have a better diet and to detoxify your body, all of the foods above will help you do that. 

Remember that you want to eat more fiber and you want to eat less sugar in all the foods that you buy.

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