Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It is always great to improve our golf skills, and nothing better than on a VACATION, even a short one over a long weekend.
Planing a short vacation, and staying for instance at one of the Hyatt's great golf resorts across the United States is just fantastic and relaxing. However, it does not have to be of course, in one of the Hyatt's resorts, which are some of my favorites, but there are many, many others, including the Biltimore resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. THE PRACTICE PLAN improves your game, however, one of the biggest mistakes made by amateurs like myself, is the thought that we must practice all the time, the way pros do. That is is for the pros, but for guys like me, with one free day can still make some significant improvements,and besides, I have the chance to visit the local tourist areas and see something, I have yet to see. ATTACK YOUR MAJOR FLAWS - whether it is slicing, hooking, backswing and more. the key is to stimulate the conditions we normally face as closely as possible. So, work carefully and slowly at improving mistakes as if you are in the golf course.
HIT A DEPENDABLE TEE SHOT - it can be with your driver, of course, but if you have to use a fairway wood, hybrid, or even an iron, so be it. the key is to find a dependable shot you can use when necessary. THE PRACTICE GREEN - in the final 25% of practice time, it is on the practice green. So, do not go crazy trying to sink 30-foot snaking putts or hitting incredibly difficult flop shots. instead, work on the most basic pitch, chip, and bunker shots from normal lies. Then take your putter and work on three, four and five-foot putts. keep at it until your confidence increases. This is exactly how I do it. Then, why not plan this great vacation and practice some golf, improve our techniques and besides getting to visit some cute, safe and different places, in addition to try some delicious foods and restaurants in this beautiful United States of America.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Fat Attacks Your Body!

Fat does not attack only your looks, it attacks and harms your entire body, and organs. First of all, it is important to understand that not all fat is created equal. Some is fairly harmeless. it is the stuff you can't see that can hurt you.
Suppose, there is a man or a woman on the operating table under IV sedation, facedown, circles drawn around the flabbiest parts of their bodies. The man and woman have both two small holes punched through the soft skin of his lower back. The borad certified plastic surgeon inserts the canula in one the holes and starts the sucking from the man's fat belly and from the woman's fat buttocks and then to her stomach as well. This is the shortcut for lazy people who ate a lot and did not exercise, the liposuction. researches have found that after liposuction surgery, patients did not improve at all, in terms of blood pressure, triglycerides, glucose tolerance, or HDL or LDL cholesterol profiles. The pale gloppy fat that a patient pays to have removed is ugly, but its absence doesn't guarantee the health prifile of a lean, fit person. So, exercise, eat healthy foods, and be more active. THERE IS NO SAFE WAY TO SUCK AROUND THE HEART, THE KIDNEYS, AND LIVER. So, make sure to keep them healthy, if you want to be healthy. Fat behaves differently on different parts of the body. The better youb grasp this concept, the betetr to understand it and how to keep good fats and how to eliminate the most dangerous fats from your body. 1 - Visceral fat is dangerous, and undermines manhood. 2 - Body fat below the waist is NOT dangerous. 3 - Body fat is a calorie storage tank, and necessary.
For men, there is a correlation of visceral fat and low testosterone levels and production, so guys, if you have a fat belly along with visceral fat, you are LESS MEN. 4- Skinny people are not immune, because low body fat is a pretty good indicator of health, but a dangerous clump of fat can still hide behind a flat belly. Here, a Plan action to fight and get rid of Visceral Fat - A: Quit The Frustose - so avoid fruit juices or foods that have sugar or high fructose corn syrup. B: Sweat The Cardio - exercise, jog, ride a bicycle, go hiking, swim or practice step, and any other high intense gym classes. C: Eat Whole Grains - Foods like quinoa are excellent. D: Sleep Smart - finally sleep well. The right anount of shut-eye is key. People that sleep about 6 to 7 hours every night nay have the probability of lower levels of visceral fat.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Dig into the psyche to see why you keep making financial mistakes - 99.99% is because of your FAULT!!! Stop blaming the banks, the credit card companies, the stores that offer credit, the casinos etc. IT IS YOUR FAULT DUDE!!!
The truth is that money, Dollar, Euro, Real, whatever currency you deal with, is like a woman (or a cheeseburger) can mess up with your head. So, STOP blaming others and manage your money like a man. Money has a multitude of meanings, and we are always asking ourselves about what we what is next to acquire. So, acquire as a real man. 1. You Are Looking For Scapegoats: Financial crisis, recession, depression whatever you say may induce you to blame the banks, the financial institutions, the rich etc - STOP IT!!! Right Now!! Be smart and have control of your finances. Take an inventory of you financial situation and take control of it. 2. You Do Not Know Where Financial Values Come From: Real friends are real friends and will love you for what you are, and not what you have. So, do not try to impress "friends" with materials things, because they mean NOTHING. Friends - REAL FRIENDS - are NOT FOR BUY< so do not buy "friends", because this will only cause more financial mistakes and TROUBLE for you. STOP BEING SO MATERIALISTIC AND BE THE REAL YOU - THE INNER YOU AND BE HUMAN OK!! 3. You Use Money As a Drug: STOP IT!!: Money is good, but it must be well managed and well acquired to keep you sane. So, the next time you go to buy something, ask yourself - "DO I REALLY NEED THIS STUFF?" or you are buying it only for the purpose of buying something. This is like a DRUG dude and stop this BAD HABIT RIGHT NOW!! 4. You Are Not Thinking Logically: Your next step shall be to formalize your more constructive worldview about money, real life, and STOP BEING MATERIALISTIC, and use that to fend off trouble. Reflect on your inner values and not what people want you to have or to buy, because at the end of the day - THEY DO NOT CARE FOR YOU AT ALL AND YOUR TROUBLES. You have to think logically and do what is right for YOU. 5. You Are Using Money to Buy Stuff and Not a Better Life: When we are kids, we are innocent, we believe in others, we believe what is shown on TV and we want it, but as GROWN MEN AND WOMEN, please, be mature and ask yourself again - DO I REALLY NEED THIS STUFF??? If you have a probable NOT, then do not buy it, get out of the store or website immediately, and go outside, go for a jog or to the gym, look at the sky and remember that this MATERIAL LIFE is all TEMPORARY AND PEACE GOES WITH YOU TO THE ETERNITY!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Escape The Gym ...Sometimes!!

Sometimes, YES, it is ok to escape the gym and practice different types of exercises, at home, in the backyard, walking around, climbing, hiking, swimming, playing tennis, volleyball, soccer and anything you want to do. I personally love swimming, riding my road bike and hiking.
So, BOOST ENDURANCE AND BURN FAT WITH SOME SOLAR-POWERED PLANS - our cardio routine is like a razor, after a few weeks of constant use, it becomes increasingly dull and ineffective. That is when we need new challenges. 1. Go to the beach and walk in the sand near the water, but not where it will wash away. This works great because all you force dissipates into the sand, requiring you to work harder to cover the same distance. 2. Go to the Pool: In a 25-yard pool, swim two laps that is four-lengths, or 100 yards using a freestyle stroke. Rest 20 seconds. Next, do two laps using a backstroke. Rest 20 seconds. That is one round. Do four more rounds, for a total of five rounds and 1,000 yards. Swimming provides all the heart-healthy benefits of running without the joint-jarring impact. 3. Go to your backyard: Do some good exercises that you enjoy alone, such as, chest push-ups, double burpee, lunges, sqauts, steps, abdominals, strecth and of course some yoga.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The USA - Little Bit Of History - Fourth of July: 13 Things to Know About the Original Colonies

The 13 First Colonies - Independence Day is not all barbecue and fireworks. So we pause here for a bit of history, with the 13 original colonies in mind (in the order of their founding).
1. Virginia - Founded by the London Co., Virginia established the first permanent English settlement, in Jamestown, but also ended up with the first African slaves in North America. 2. Massachusetts - Founded by Puritans, Massachusetts counted the second permanent English settlement, in Plymouth, after the Mayflower-sailing Pilgrims landed from the Humber region of England. 3. New Hampshire - Founded by John Wheelwright, New Hampshire is the most northern of the 13 original colonies and the first independent state to have a written constitution. 4. Connecticut - Founded by Thomas Hooker, Connecticut attracted the Puritan colonial leader's attention after he abandoned Massachusetts in search of land to establish a colony more suitable to his egalitarian spirit, according to History of the USA. 5. Rhode Island - Founded by Roger Williams, Rhode Island was the last of the 13 original colonies to ratify the U.S. Constitution after fighting no major battles in the Revolutionary War. 6. Delaware - Founded by Peter Minuit and the New Sweden Co., Delaware saw the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley after the Swedes established their colony near present-day Wilmington. The result: "The cultural, social, and religious influence of these Swedish settlers has had a lasting effect upon the cultural life of the people in this area," according to a state website. 7. Maryland - Founded by Lord Baltimore, Maryland has had at least seven nicknames, including the "Old Line State," a possible reference to its being the "dividing line between the land grants given to William Penn and Lord Baltimore," according to a state website. 8. North Carolina - Founded by Virginians, North Carolina became the first state to vote in favor of independence. 9. South Carolina - Founded by eight nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II, slavery-dependent South Carolina grew with people of African descent making up two-thirds of the colony's population by 1730, according to 10. New Jersey - Founded by Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, New Jersey was such a strategic location that it hosted about 90 Revolutionary War engagements, with Gen. George Washington moving his army across it four times, according to 11. New York - Founded by the Duke of York, New York also was pivotal in the war, with one-third of the "skirmishes and engagements ... fought on New York soil. The Battle of Saratoga ... was the turning point of the Revolution," according to a state website. 12. Pennsylvania - Founded by William Penn, Pennsylvania, thanks to Penn's less-inclusive heirs, eventually triggered so much resentment among Native Americans that they allied themselves with the French. 13. Georgia - Founded by James Edward Oglethorpe, Georgia was not founded as a penal colony, despite the persistent misconception.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Are you burnt out? Have you been working out for a while and feeling bored now? Do you feel like quitting your workout sometimes? This is all normal, BUT DO NOT DO IT! Here some tips on how to overcome this barrier and to continue working out and mostly. feeling satisfied.
Have you been pounding away in the gym for a while? Is your girlfriend or boyfriend happy with your body? So, do not quit working out, because things will just get better. BELIEVE ME... 1. EMPHASIZE FORM FIRST: Men have a strong tendency to move fast, and do many repetitions fast. Don't do it. Make sure to keep a good form, and if you do not know what to do, ask a personal trainer for some help, or if you have a savvy and experienced workout friend, ask him or her for some help. 2. OPT FOR QUALITY: Remember, what you put into your gym time is going to be reflected in what you get out of it, physique-wise. 3. BUILD ENDURANCE: Run for five to seven minutes, then walk for one minute, then run again for another 10 minutes, and walk for a 1 1/2 minute, and so on. Perform this routine for 45 minutes. If you prefer swimming, do some laps continuously, then change style and go on, fast a couple of times, then change to a backstroke subsequently. By doing this, your endurance will simply improve. 4. SKIP THE COMPETITION: Yes, stop competing and focus on yourself, your needs, your body shape, your genes, and do not try to compete, unless you are a professional, so in this way have a good coach/trainer. 5. DON'T BE A COPY CAT: Men have the tendency to watch what others are doing, which sometimes can be a problem, looking and learning some new techniques is GREAT, however, try to create am exercise routine that is applicable to yourself, and not others ok. 6. THINK ABOUT PROGRESS: This is crucial. Your body is a machine, and as such, you have to think about your weight-lifting routine as an attempt to keep that machine in peak form. It is important to workout the major muscle groups first, then move to the smaller muscle groups subsequently. As an example, start with chest, then move to triceps and biceps, Do not start triceps before chest etc. 7. VARY YOUR ROUTINE: Do not get stuck in the same routine, it is really boring. So, vary it, by adding some diversity to your exercise routine. This will motivate you and keep you interested in working-out. 8. WORK THE RIGHT MUSCLES: If you do not have a personal trainer, make sure when you work your biceps for example, you really work your biceps, and not the shoulder, or chest. Read about exercising, get to know your muscles and how they shall move accordingly. As I said our bodies are like machines, and like any machine it must move accordingly to what is normal.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Best Medical Check-ups...

It is extremely important to have a medical check-up based on age-schedule and to know how things are going with our health. So, first thing - FIND A DOCTOR - this can be sometimes challenging, because even though there are many doctors out there, we never know which one will be compatible to us - to our needs - which one would really connect with us and reassure that we two are in good tune to talk, to have questions answered and to make to sure to have a good set of guidance and goals addressed.
1. FINDING A DOCTOR: If you currently don't have a physician, the first step will be finding one. So ask some savvy friends about their doctors, so one good choice shall know which doctors are in the area and their specialties, and ask your friends what they like about them. Look for specific answers about the doctor's style, skills, abilities and knowledge, and do NOT ASK for remarks like, "is he a nice guy or a nice woman?". Some times nice guys or nice women are not good doctors. You want a good doctor, and not just a nice guy or woman. Another way to search for a doctor is via the Internet and look at reputable websites. It is always wise to check whether there are any pending lawsuits or litigation against the doctor. 2. SCHEDULE THE CHECK-UP: Try to get the first appointments in the morning, because the doctor will be rested and more focused. Then as facing the physician, ask questions, bring a set of questions you need answers, discuss your family history and any concerns you may have, do not let the doctor get distracted with office business. Remember, medical offices are busy like any other business, and doctors may get distracted, busy, and unfortunately out of focus sometimes. Remember also, doctors are humans like everybody else, so be prepared to ask questions, to discuss your concerns and family history. Ask when you should have another check-up and what to get checked next, discuss your diet and exercise styles, and also any social behavior such as drinking, possible smoking and what can be done to help you quit, if this is the case. Be proactive with yourself and seek prevention and health improvement. Good Luck!!